Fantasy Pints Podcast Episode 12: Deco

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We’ve taken a regular feature from our interviews and made it into a podcast – the Fantasy Pints Podcast! The weekly episodes feature guest interviews with just one common question – “if you could go for a drink with any three musicians past or present, who would you choose and why?”

This week, we are joined by Max from indie pop band, Deco. We discuss their viral 80s lockdown mashups, returning to playing live at the recent London gigs, Radio 1’s Big Weekend and plenty more! You can follow Deco on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or listen HERE.

The first 12 episodes are now available across a variety of platforms (see below). This includes Clinton Baptiste, Joe Astley, Ben Osborn, Jim Salveson, Jack Wood, Katie Owen, Felix Hill, Lauran Hibberd, Jake Heaton and last week’s episode with RivFest 2021 headliner, Abi Rose Kelly.

  • You can watch on YouTube HERE (today’s episode to follow this evening).
  • You can listen to the podcast and follow for the latest updates on Spotify HERE.
  • You can listen to the podcast and follow for the latest update on Google Podcats HERE.
  • You can listen to the podcast and follow for the latest updates on Radio Public HERE.
  • You can listen to the podcast and follow for the latest updates on Pocket Cast HERE.
  • You can listen to the podcast and follow for the latest updates on Breaker HERE.
  • You can listen to the podcast and follow for the latest updates on Anchor FM HERE.
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