Fantasy Pints Podcast Episodes 1 & 2: Clinton Baptiste

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We’ve taken a regular feature from our interviews and made it into a podcast – Fantasy Pints Podcast! The weekly episodes will feature guest interviews with just one common question – “if you could go for a beer with any three musicians past or present, who would you choose and why?”

Episodes 1 and 2 are now available across a variety of platforms, which includes a quick introduction to the podcast, website and hosts. The second episode is our first guest interview, and it’s a ‘stratospheric’ one to kick things off.

We are joined by Phoenix Nights’ hapless psychic, Clinton Baptiste, as well the actor who plays him, Alex Lowe. We discuss everything from his upcoming tour and paranormal podcast, through to all things music and of course, his fantasy pints!

If you would like to get involved and feature on the podcast, please get in touch by email at

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